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Airsoft Tactical Training

Date and Time

Monday, July 30, 2012, 4:45 PM until 9:00 PM


Xtreme Action Sports
153 Washington St
E Walpole, MA  02032



Registration Info

Registration is closed - Event is full
Payment In Full In Advance Only
explained at event


15 Total Slots
Event is full

About this event

WHO:    Have you ever played paintball of AirSoft?  If you've watched NCIS, 24, or The Unit and wondered how the pros really do it then this is for you.  FBI Citizens Academy Alumni and friends  who want to do something different and exciting together while receiving hands-on, practical experience on real team-building and team leadership training. 


WHAT:   4 solid hours of authentic, tactical training featuring AirSoft "force-on-force" missions.  This is NOT paintball "capture-the-flag."  It will be fun but cerebral, no-nonsense team building and team leadership training.  This course will provide all participants with a familiarity, an introduction to tactical operations, group dynamics/team building and team leadership.  The vehicle for teaching these invaluable skills will be through real SWAT/military/anti-terrorism type training/drills/missions.


Subjects Covered

  • Fundamentals of Team building and Team Leadership and applying them toward:
  • Fundamentals of room-clearing--rooms, hallways (parallel and non parallel rooms), stairwells, large open spaces, intersections, close quarters, tactics in an outdoor environment, room softening techniques, room entry techniques, cover and concealment, Diamond and "T" formations, "overwatch" techniques, bounding-"overwatch," tactical movement, "fire and maneuver"/"fire and movement," stacking up, noise and light discipline, dominating positions, entry techniques, vulnerable areas, tactical control techniques, tactical command and control, anti-"Active Shooter" police tactics, and many more subjects
  • AirSoft Safety 
  • AirSoft manipulations for room clearing
  • Basic shooting techniques (firing Airsoft rounds)
  • Classroom lecture on room clearing, teamwork and team building
  • Cover/Contact drills
  • Man-Down drills
  • Tactical commands
  • Hand & Arm signals
  • Radio procedures
  • "L" Ambushes
  • Challenge and password--IFF (ID friend or foe)
  • Mission planning/intel analysis
  • Operations Order (receipt and delivery of)
  • After-Action Review (AAR or hot-wash)
  • Execution Matrix
  • Team leadership/tactical decision making (everyone who wishes to be in a leadership position will be able to practice that)
  • Authentic missions exercises with critiques
  • Force-on-Force scenarios (from 9 on 1 down to 5 on 5)



0445             Meet at the Walpole facility and draw AirSoft equipment 


1600-1605  Safety lecture


1605-1700   AirSoft handling/shooting techniques, tactical movement,  Introduction to Room-Clearing


1700-1800   Room Clearing I (includes many reps to instill "muscle-memory")


1220-1330   Room Clearing II (includes many reps, Cover-Contact, Man-down drill, and anti-"Active Shooter" police training--QUAD system)


1330-1600   Mission Scenarios (all missions will feature appointed team leaders, AirSoft "force-on-force," mission planning, receipt and issuance or Operations/Fragmentary Orders, buddy-aid, "intel" gathering and analysis, and After-Action Review "Hot-washes")


2100-2115  Closing remarks/graduation


(this will be a solid 4-hour introduction to team-building, team leadership tactical training course featuring mimal down-time, fire hose-to-the-mouth effect. Please arrive early as we will start promptly and time will fly-by)


WHEN:   From 4:45 AM to 9:15 PM, July 30 . 


WHERE:  Xtreme Action Sports, 153  Washington St, E. Walpole, MA 02032 


Click here: XAPB Group Sales Xtreme Action Paintball Airsoft Fields Massachusetts Paintball Birthday Parties and Bachelor Part


WHY:    To gain practical, hands-on experience to develop your team leadership and teamwork skills.  To bond with and enhance your understanding and respect for your fellow co-workers making you all more cohesive as colleagues.  To gain one more "sea story" together as a group which to reflect upon and laugh about later on.  To broaden your horizons, develop personal confidence and decisiveness, and learn more about yourself by engaging in something safe, exciting, and challenging while having a lot of fun!!!


INSTRUCTOR:  Major Rich Kuong, USMCR (ret), is a former infantry officer in the US Marine Corps, "America's 911" and corporate manager/trainer.  Prior to the Marines he did a brief stint in law enforcement where he was recognized four times (twice for saving lives, once for valor during an armed domestic, and once for community service).  An executive security agent since 2002, Kuong has also been a tactical command and tactical operations instructor for law enforcement SRTs (Special Response Teams), US Coast Guard tactical boarding teams, local FBI HRT (Hostage Rescue Team) personnel, and executive private security agents.  He has also advised a Mass State Police special operations unit on tactical and anti-terrorism projects.


TUITION:  $85 Tuition to cover training, equipment and the range facility.



GUARANTEE:  The instructor backs his reputation on the merits of this course.  He guarantees you will say at the end of your experience: that it was worth your time invested, that you learned more about yourself, teamwork and leadership, that you gained something valuable from the experience, and that you were glad you did it.  Also the instructor guarantees that you will have a lot of fun!


WAIVER/REALEASE FROM LIABILITY FORM:  In order to participate, the AirSoft facility and the instructor require a signed, waiver/release from liability form per each participant.

The FBI Boston Citizens Academy Alumni Association is a nonprofit organization separate and apart from the FBI.